7:00 PM
im back frm the zoo! haha!
yepz.. actually was annoyed before gg coz very hard to fnd clothes dammit! i need to shop! yeahh.. then went with my aunt, cousin and grandma.. my uncle just stayed in his bus to rest coz he works at night..then go arnd arnd.. fun ahh.. camwhore with my sisters.. played mini boogle with my sisters and my aunt.. my aunt kept pushing me so she can see the thing and ill be like "cik ta!!!" hahahaha... i kept winning tho.. hahahaha..ok no la..
my fav part was when i was sitting at the bench that faces the reservoir.. the wind and the calmness of it all... wahh... my worries really left me eh.. wanted to stay there longer but had to leave already...
wad was i supposed to say?.. oh.. im sorry.. its just that my worries have really left me.. hehe
oh yeahh... yes! talking DOES cure u of fever! laughter too! coz its the BEST medicine! hhaha..oh yeah.. mel was sick then she was crapping at msn saying like "i feel like dancing i miss mass dance i want to fly".. then she said "i feel like dying" and i quickly just called her.. haha...
come on hidayah! wad was in ur mind that u forgot?..
seriously.. i cant rmbr wad i was abt to talk abt.. dance? yeah.. i still wanna make a dance mann.. ;[.. then wad? OH YA...
actually this is a more random thing actually.. as in it doesnt really matter so this is......
me and mel were talking abt the moon.. my msn nick is Rosemoon la.. so anyway i got reminded of wad i had written before.. i don't think it can be called a poem ah.. hehehe.. but now, more than ever, i realised that it truely suits me.. it was me emo-ing (a bit la,..) last time when i came up with this.. apparently i think a lot of "flowery"- type of lang (mel say one) when i emo.. so anyways, here it is..
the moon weeps as her source of joy
stays the distance.
she awaits for that time.
when an eclipse occur,
be in awe.
The moon's acme of beauty.
i dont expect anyone to really understand it at a glance.. in fact, like my previous poem, it has Alot of meanings ah.. but damn it suits me! haha... btw everything i type in my poem ah.. got no accidental punctutations one.. its really like how i want it to be...
anyway now that i think abt it.. Blackcat and Rosemoon... im usually blackcat.. but deeper, im rosemoon... thats when i more poetic, lit-like, emo a bit... i dunno.. haha.. crapp..
so anyway.. i hope tmw will be a good dae for everyone and hopefully for me too! (why am i so hyper?.. crazyy..)
shabooya! (i miss doing that ;] )
Sunday, February 24, 2008
1:12 PM
ponned sch ytd.. actually i can onli vaguely rmbr saying to my mom that i was too tired and then i slept back.. slept A LOT ytd...
did some thinking too.. actually, there's nothing to think abt.. i must accept that im a saint... i must get back on my two feet.. ive already had my fun.. its time... but im so afraid..
the thing is that i still have a choice..afraid that i wont be myself.. afraid that it will be a repeat of my life in crescent, having pple arnd me yet feeling alone all the time... i dunno.. i guess i got too comfortable in jj where i had close friends, that homely feeling, the culture that truely suited me, the moon...
i miss how sun.. i noe i keep saying that it may seem to lose its meaning.. but i really miss him.. i realised that i was looking at every detail of his face on thurs nite while we were talking and passing down the bags.. as tho i didnt wan to allow myself to take him for granted or to forget his face.. i was super happy when i did with him that handshake and the cheerelading thing.. dammit i forgto the stomping one.. and why did i forget? coz i rmbred one of the sa dance move.. dammit sai...oh ya..i tell u ah.. mira was like "its ok wad.. we can have outside frens".. outside frens sounds so impersonal and distant to me and i dont like it..
i wonder if ill be remembered.. does it matter? yea.. coz i remember everyone.. dang.. i dunno wad im talking abt now.. why didnt i put jj as my second choice? no time for regrets.. i am a saint.. i cant call myself a jjcian.. duhh i cant call myself a jj leader even if i appealed back, i nvr got to go thru with them the hardest times - really being an ogl...
nya nya.. im feeling damn pathetic now.. its just jc mannn!! singapore is so damn small that we can meet each other oneeee.. ok... im just a loyal plus emotional person okayy.. like my commitment level is still damn high even if i dont put in my 100% commitment level.. geddit? ok nvm...
ok if i really minus loyalty, my emotions and my selfishness,
JJ is gd coz its damn near while sa is really damn far,
SA is gd coz they are really gonna push me to study while jj may not,
JJ is gd coz not so religion type while sa is la,
SA is gd coz its more english while jj mandarin la,
JJ's values are gd coz it suits me and is strong while sa like.. ,
SA the facilities are damn new and gd while jj very old and rather pathetic,
JJ the cca gd coz its so noob that i can join but sa not ahh,
SA got name and pple can recognize sa while jj pple will raise one eyebrow,
JJ the structure of the sch very gd coz can see pple and can connect to others coz its small but sa like the buildings separate pple,
SA the place near town (i think), while jj the hang out places very limited to the neighbourhood (but i dont mind actually)
JJ got synthetic field while sa doesnt!,
SA uniform and sch song nicer than jj (lame reason)
JJ the food very cheap compared to sa la..(impt lor!)
mondae shall be ddae.. ddae where i shall give sa a chance.. it will be my last dae to make a choice..hmm.. hurry think hidayah!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
1:41 PM
Singapore won the bid for YOG!!
hahaha ytd was great mannn! ok.. frm start..
go SA, had pc which was a race arnd the sch, got third so we got 40c voucher for the sch fruits stall, bleahh, had break where we hung out with desmond, nice, then discipline talk where the teacher was OBLIGED to welcome us, slept the whole way, ass, then malay, i dont like the teacher, yawns, then break, crapped with the malay pple, honestly prefered to just sleep, hmm, then subject regsitration, snoree, then....
the jj saints unite! (cant call ourselves jjcians ma.. :( )
hahah.... we all got into ellysa HUGE car (jealous mann) and went to ac for ellysa to appeal while we just stay arnd there talking to devika and sijia went arnd mia-ing coz she got A LOT of frens .. haha.. then went to marina sq where we all, tho not very hungry, ate kfc! then went back to the padang.. took pics, dance a bit then they came!!!! wahhhh.. then after putting our bags, we were like lost children and then became ushers! okla.. was hard at first, then the peeps started to move in to the back and filled up the place nicely.. but NOT FAIR! mira and ellysa got on stage and danced with apple lor! wahlau!! haha.. then dance dance! crazy!!
then got interviewed! malay radio eh! cool huh?? then another lady interviewed me but then her qns are like essay qns la wahlau! how to ans?? now i know how hard it is to be interviewed, in malay esp! ya la! i spoke malay baku la but some words just HAD to come out in eng! hahah
then ran back to dance "oh my darl" with Jialiang!!! yay!!! so fun! then all the dances la, being crazy everything was so fun! was dying of thirst tho, but still went on!! then the announcement ah.. i was like squeezing the hands of the peeps beside me la!! hhaha.. and singapore won!! yay!! but hell i was tired.. then wah..parrrrtttaaaayyy!! apple damn pro sia! met snr and danced with mark!!! haha.. then gathered to the back and cheered and sang "home".. damn that song.. so annoyingly apt for jj... haha...
then went to eat!
had really hoped that we wont be separated to families and shadows but yep... but then i still chose my family! it was small and some had to leave soon so we ate at kfc+pizza hut+taco bell there! had lasagna! haha.. then talk talk, complain complain, listen listen, comfort comfort... wahh.. jackie's a real soldier mann.. oh ya i tell u ah... i was like waohhh when i saw his results slip la.. so many A1s! dang.. oh ya.. i still haven open his toblerone.. then went to cityhall mrt, saw f3, f2 had to leave, chose f2 and left.. so funny la, the trip home! aubrey had to go the other way tho...

thats mark! so funny la! ok frm first pic
"eh hidayah look!" (i laugh so much that it came out blur! asked him to do again while i took another pic of him)
"you think very easy ah?"
"eh hurry take!"
then went home with yao an.. so nice can.. waited for me while i went toilet (to put on my skirt- tore a bit of the hem coz i rushed :p) then talked crapp thruout.. oh ya! i must Accept, i must Adapt and i must... er.. A? hahahahaha...
mann... the moon was so beautiful ytd.. its great todae too.. sighh..
Friday, February 22, 2008
9:55 PM
actually i wanted to post abt ytd.. me and mel skipping class just to talk and then me and jess finally having a first bonding time, which was great! gg jp and all...then family2 dinner, bond more wtih JL, Mark and Juanita, jackie very sweet, gave me toblerone.. but i cant think of the details now...
im sad to leave jj
really.. everything, everyday there has been so surreal, miracles all the time.. i knew this was coming.. the first day there and i already told myself that im not staying.. i still remember how i introduced myself to my family the first time.
"Hi! Im Nur Hidayah. i got 11-2 9 for my os. im confirmed not staying but while im here, im gonna put in ALL my effort for this! "
yeahh.. og8.. no need to say.. yall know i love u guys..
f2.. it has been a real short time with yall.. but really, i love yall too.. all the things we do tgt, during those hard times, we still pulled thru it all! Together! we got stuff.. ;]
the close frens that ive made so far.. i really dont wan to lose yall!
howsun, how am i to find another u? cheerleading.. who can i do it with any more? honestly, u are a real sunshine to me.. i just read ur blog..
kau tau kan tentang masalah aku? mungkin kau bukan cakap tentang aku, tetapi aku cuma nak katakan.. aku anggap kamu sebagai sahabat, sahabat handai atau apa apa lah... yang penting, aku percayakan engkau.. kau tahu tak? kau benar benar buat aku rasa lebih baik apabila kau sendiri yang menanya aku apa masalah aku (malam itu kau sms bila camp).. bagi aku itu cukup.. jadi janganlah fikir yang "saya rasa tak guna , memang , tak lulus menjadi seseorang's kawan " sebab dengan cara kau tersendiri, kau telah pun menolong dan memberi kesan pada ramai orang, termasuklah aku... ;]
hehe... my malay very gd right? hehe...
mel, do you noe that u are a real blessing to me? u were there for me when i really needed somebody and when i was truely down.. u are also the first person ive ever talked to for so long on the phone.. hrs and hrs haha...u were the one too that helped me bring up my confidence.. i tell u.. this few lines are not enuf to express my feelings now.. in fact those four pages arent either..
hendy, right now we dont spend much time tgt coz of diff families.. but i still remember that you too were there for me.. yeah, it was the day i was damn sian.. i tell u ah.. my day became better just when i received that call and u said "YIPPA ANDENEH!".. and the time we've spent, i thank you for it..
i wan to thank and mention a lot of pple.. like Aaron, Arthur, Sharon, Jackie, Jia Liang, Mark, Hazlin, Shakina, Sherwin, Kahsing, Francis, Juang shiow, Aubrey.. like there really is a lot.. just that i a little braindead now..
right now.. i really dunno wads gonna happen next.. im gonna give sa ogls as much support as i can and give sa a chance as much, tho inevitably lesser, as jj.... am i gonna cheer for sa after these few days or weeks? will i lose contact with my friends now? will it get awkward to talk to them?
haha.. i dont even noe which is better.. loving sa or jj.. as in after some time ah... hmm.. im really gonna miss the cheers...all the mass dance... my family dance... the field (yes the field!).. the bball court.. the canteen auntie and her food... the ah-ah song.. the area outside library.. im also gonna miss the jj cat, nugget!.. playing bball.. malay lessons.. taking pics and vids.. the clouds and wind there.. the noisy passing jets..feeling excited to go sch.. meet my frens... and a lot more
jj really allowed me to be myself.. sa.. lets see how it goes..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
12:32 AM
swensens dae!
fun eh! ok starting i was more sad than angry at mira coz she cldnt make it.. was really hoping to gather everyone ma... then wah... dammit la! Howie the Retard go and prank me la! wah.. wad IMMIGRATION thing? crazy.. say he had to go home and cannot go out coz got this immigration thing he had to do.. shld have seen my face when i showed syria the msg la.. so sad u noe! ok then we made our way to orchard.. sry nabilah! make u confuse onli.. hehe... we all except gad and howei were like town noobs la! haha...
then went swensens! funny! spongebob doesnt live in the tree la howie! haha... then wah.. exceed 100 bux ah... was 137 bux altgt.. but its okay.. ill be alright.. hehehe.. then went to taka for some pretzels first! i bought the tiger balm cream...very imp! then heeren.. the nice puma shoes are like 259 bux! dammit.. then hmv.. wanted to buy the Step up 2 ost la but didnt in the end.. shall watch the movie first! dance dance! haha... then went back swensens buy ice cream! syria went home first..gadis bite very big eh!! then to far east.. nab looked looked arnd while gad and howie dance mass dance.. they were dancing while walking also la wahlau.. haha... but i dance after that! haha.. got videos!
then gad buy watch.. then we left first... went home.. cldnt go to jess's coz it was getting late for me and retard had to suddenly leave... yeah.. why do pple smoke? sucks mann.. think look so cool ah? check ur yellow teeth and black lips la! ... taking pics in mrt was fun! lollipop! haha.. got a lot of funny stuff! but i cant remember now.. oh yeah, howie control gad using lollipop! haha
wah.. fun dae! oh ya,... its so fun to see my cat play with bubbles! when finish she will be like meowing as tho asking where the bubles were... hahaha...ok i tired.. shld sleep so gdnite!
Monday, February 18, 2008
8:32 PM
i didnt post abt vdae right? ok hmm... now i cant really remember coz i just got back frm camp.. oh oh! ok remember liao.. but wont say much... very tired now
- watched very sad malay movie.. Retard's a Sensitive New Age Man! haha
- jia liang very nice! give like FIFTY roses to pple duhh including me hahaha.. sew his pants then he bought me drink!
- got a lot of sweets!
- thanks mel for ur letter! very nicely done eh! i embarrassed of mine lei...
- mira pangseh me (say wanna go jp since we skipping hist but in the end nvr)
- kahkahsing very nice eh.. wahh.. let me play his psp and stuff.. like didnt just ignore me la.. haha.. i kept failing the trainings tho...
- go dance with our tiny family (they had plans la...) for less than an hr :(
- this time i nvr wait for mira they all, just went jp.. yup alone.. met shadiq, passed a jnr that didnt greet or even looekd at me.. felt invisible lei..
- bought a watch, nike bottle, and a bottle of soap bubbles! smell like chocolate one lei!
yup.. then went home...
then OGL camp
well, i didnt go sch.. then went sch at arnd b4 3.. met mel, funny! NOTHING! hahaahah... oh yeah.. one funny thing happened.. not very funny la but just hmmm.. ok wadeva! ok we saw this red paperclip twisted to a heart shape on the floor.. mel said, while pointing at it, "eh! heart shape!" STEP.. a guy just walked pass us (by the front) and stepped squarely on the heartclip wtihout noticing! haha.. then another girl kicked it to me when she passed by..
ok next was mass dance!!! i LOVE to dance! and jj mass dance can really help you sweat it all out! i sweated my fever out before, and it helps me forget my probs and emoness.. haha.. LIKE DRUGS! then wad ah? oh ya, family time.. dance again! Gimme one Mark clap! (clap!) i wanna dance! hey mama! ahha.. then had the singsong time..had to sing "lenggang lenggang kangkung" on stage seyy, wahlau! haha..then cried a bit thinking of mira and gad.. teared a bit more when my emoness came back.. then had night games! run twice onli la.. haha.. then the memorable part was i guess the part when Mr "handsome" called me. Long story cut short, he like complimented me by saying that he find that i look like a 6/10 (omg la...) i asked why and he say something abt "can see frm the sparkle in your eyes" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH hahahahahha.. its a good thing that he says that, coz it means that my campers may just view me that way too.. which is good, right? hahah wadeva..
well, slept at 2, woke up at 330am, fire drill, kena scolded, then did pt, then did nerd dance haha, then moved stuff i think, then..changed, then family dance!!! we got 7.75/10!gd gd gd!! can improve of course but its gd! ahaha.. then breakfast.. was trying to sleep and jialiang kept singing to me, then.... telematch was it? yea.. then the talk frm mr koh.. wah... thank you sir for even addressing us... wahh.. i was falling asleep la.. tried to sit str. ncc style so wont fall asleep like totally.. it worked! still sleepy but didnt fully doze off... then mass danced! i better remember the dance moves la.. haha.. oh ya.. i slapped yao an to wake him up until it was red! he asked for it! ok i apologised after that la.. haha.. then kinetic warfare! ok lor.. jus that there is just too little pple in one og la... then clean up, change, singsong again, had talks by two teachers? yeah, me and mark were trying hard not to fall asleep but as of right now, i cant remember a thing abt the first part.. haha.. then dismiss then paints, play bubbles! then home...
a few bad things that happened during camp
- broke my pink hairclip
- my supposedly waterproof watch spoiled
- lost one of my ears studs.. really sad :(
- had a lot of stomachaches
i think thats it! very tired.. got a lot of details actually.. but nvm la... haha
haha.. this just abt some of my thots... so anyway.. i was thinking... like ncc really got me prepared for this type of expectations.. like the standard and all that is lower than creznc (duhh) haha but yeah.. all the initiative crap... then they did stuff like pumping those of higher positions in frnt of us.. so familiar... i got very angry seeing somebody down pumping.. i got angry coz i hesitated knocking down too... bleahh..
yeah.. then i was thinking abt F2.. like we really can work tgt in bad situations ehh.. like our dance, the first one, was done in 2 hrs la! haha.. we always have probs but somehow we all can adapt and still work on it! well done F2! lubbz yall allzzz! hahah yeah! lunch time ah, we crowned our Twit King and Queen! haha.. hu? Aubrey and Jeanle! hahaah
i was thinking of whether im up for this ogl thing.. i can... and ill always put in my 100%.. but shld i? shld i put in so much effort on something that may not last?.. there's this thing at the back of my head that kept replying "YES!" to wad i just asked.. nothing major is stopping me, really.. dunno la.. yes, i shld push on.. i didnt join ogl just to dance and cheer.. i wan to give back wad jj ogls gave me during that short camp.. not back to them, but to the upcoming pple.. yeah.. i shld help pass on the same high and crazy jj culture.. something i cldnt do abt creznc..
i was also thinking.. like i really shldnt take my frens for granted.. i have been so preoccupied with my own selfishness that i get annoyed at them too easily.. i shld really stop thinking abt things that didnt matter and is just plain stupid and instead make full use of my time with the ppel i care abt... no more.. no more..
oh ya! another thot! CHOCOLATE SMELLING BUBBLES DOES NOT TASTE GOOD! hahahaaha... yeah.. we were playing with bubbles while waiting for the paint to dry and i tried catching one with my mouth.. unfortunately, i was successful! haha.. it burst in my throat so for quite some time, i kept coughing! haha.. its funny! bubbles are so fun to play with! its great for bonding time too! coz i finally saw my family mate like participating with that smile one his face.. haha..its great to play with when ure down too! haha..
ok la... i think a lot and i cant possibly say out all my thots here so ill stop now.. haha! oh ya but one last thing!
HEY MEL! are you thinking wad im thinking B1?
i think i am B2!
haha.. this is coz me and mel were on the phone when we realised that we didnt know wad we were talking already and in both our minds were nothing but "i dunno. i dunno. i dunno." haha.. its like we said to each other.... "yeah.. i cant Think of anyThing. like we both got noThing mann" something like that! haha..
Saturday, February 16, 2008
9:42 PM
ok todae was just too weird
okayy.. so morn.. first REALLY weird and shocking thing.... (drum rolls!).. saw idi-ot in same bus
GOING TO SCH!... haha.. REally! coz he always nvr come.. haha.. oh yeah, then funny coz we walking walking then he suddenly walked straight to the small yellow and black pole so he kena at... haha... if yall dont get it, too bad! haha
then go sch, mel pass me something and... erm... yeah.. that was totally weird.. like gad also like told everyone like some amplifyer (sp?).. like
WADEHELL RIGHT?? then malay was fun.. got new person! yay! ok dunno why i yay la.. hahaha.... then lit.. onli thing nice then was that.. hmm.. oh ya.. i wrote on arthur's arm "wake up!" coz he was sleeping and then he wrote "tired" in chinese on my hand.. his handwriting very nice! realised he still had the tattoo that i wrote on his hand ytd "ねこ", which means cat in jap!.. yeah then i was wasting time and keeping myself awake by writing more stuff on my hand.. and my thumb nails were nice! blackcat! then all the other lessons were bleahh..
oh ya! this is another
weird plus shocking thing! i. never. pon. any. lessons. todae. hahahahahaha
then family twoooooo... dance dance dance! haha.. a bit stress la no doubt but fun ah! then principal go talk to us so suddenly... "Open ur minds!" i think he meant to be more open minded or wad.. yeah.. THAT was weird! yeah.. then emo a bit... Jia liang was really very sweet just now.. ;]..thanks mann..then we just suddenly mass danced! danced wtih mark and jialiang! so fun! but the best is the "oh my darling" song.. coz we ALL not sure!! haha.. then we just dance ahh then onli the starting and ending we perfect! hahaahaha..
then waited for themmm.. which was not a gd idea coz they left to eat with their family.. wasted time ahha... then went home.. talked to francis at the bus stop, even let one 185 bus pass coz didnt wan to be rude.. was nice talking to him anywayy.. he thinks a lot... hmm.. haha..
oh ya! yes howie, we DO make great cheerleaders! hahaha
and ya.. just realised my previous post got wayyy too many "haha"... but thats how i think.. hhaaha..
ROSEred red rose,its beauty is so enticingyet the pain,by its thorns,is just as painful.ok.. this poem was made by me when i was sec one so its pretty copyrighted (yea right!) haha ok its not even a real poem.. haha...
i dunno if i shld go sch tmw.. not coz its vdae or wad... but very long and draggy tmw.. nvm la.. just go.. watch malay movie.. I DUN WAN GP!...civics.. bleahh...hist.. wahh.. i might pon hist.. coz i need to go jp.. top up card and .. go toys r us! haha... look for gd waterbottle! haha... go with hu?.. nope... most prob alone... no date! haha.. nvm ah.. just go alone lor.. bleahh
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
11:31 PM
ok todae morn was a bore.. 2hrs of hist duhh haha
haha had all the tattos on my hand haha
but afternoon much better!
had a bit of soccer..
taught retard the cheerleading dance! like finally! damn cool mann! haha
then had mass dance.. wahh... damn SHIOK!
mark was fun to dance with! jackie got pple cop (reserve haha) already la wadehell haha
then like there was one dance we really cldnt get it and we were like just stomping there la! haha as in the dance end then we were so ARGHHH hahahahaah
so fun! and we did GEEKS get the GIRLS and its pretty cool coz mark was my dance partner for that song in orientation camp haha..
then evening go teach the hey mama song for a while and my back aches already.. ahha
then just sang sang and cheer on the field... ill really miss the field mann
then went for dinner with retard aka himso, idi-ot and bimso... hahah!
and wad am i?? BLACKCAT!
yeah, idi-ot go treat us sugar cane drink using four caterpillers haha
yeah, thanks! haha
that was my first sugar cane drink i think... nice ahh.. kinda reminded me of green apple juice.. or something like that.. haha.. but its really nice! sweet haha.. green apple where got sweet...
oh ya, todae is bimso super slow dae! ahaha
yeah.. then walked back tho we cld have just taken the 99 bus in front of us so we cld send retard aka himso off...
then idi-ot was being super lame with his knock knock jokes and sudden boo-ing haha
it was nice mann.. hang out with frens and just talk and eat and walk (i dont mean all at the same time! haha) yeahh.. sec sch i never really did that.. yeah i noob haha... but really la.. i like to hang out with them coz we can sure talk one.. no awkward silence... haha...
ok im tired.. thats why i blog like this today.. haha
oh ya! i just remembered! i go home just now and i saw TWO COCKRAOCHES!! alive some more eh!! not like afraid la but i got a bit jumpy when i saw them.. ewwwwwww (haha so bimbotic ) ya... some times i moody then ill just dont care but at night where u cant see it clearly at first ah.. wahh.. hhahaha
yeah.. im really gonna miss my peeps so i shall announce it now..
yeahhh haha... 50 bux fly away... haha.. ok thats all for now! hyper!! haha
i wanna play on the swings...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
6:36 PM
my granpa just passed away this morn... yeah, im ok.. i just pray that he will get to a better place, insyaallah, amin
anyways actually im quite happer and hyper...
hhaha... wait did i just write happer? hahahaha
yeahh... actually todae nothin much happen, except for the ms lim and vp stuff,
so yar.. thats all for now! ;]
oh yar! finally thot of one!
shabooya! shah! shah! shabooya roll call!
my name's hidayah! (yeah!)
and im so sexayyy! (yeah!)
and when i shake it! (yeah!)
the boys go crazayy! (uhuh!)
hyper + happy = happer! (gimme one lame clap! hahah)
Monday, February 11, 2008
3:11 PM
tmw school! yayness! haha...
cant wait to play bball! miss it so much... and ya, frm my tone, yall can guess how im gonna be next week! HYPER! why? dunno.. just be happy lor!
happy for bball, happy that i can still spend time with my frens, happy that i have approx SEven daes left with them..
ya.. shld be happy instead of sad! haha
and ya, i jsut realised something interesting frm howie's blog
"so er , after that went out to buy new year stuff.
then while travelling ,
i suddenly , ALL OF THE SUDDEN ,
thought of amirah , hidayah , and idi-ot .
aiya , read my handphone drafts if you guys want to know what i thought.
lazy to say now .
and then , tomorrow's school .
haha.. its coz i keep thinking how sun NEVER writes abt me... haha... but for me, im diff frm him, i think abt everyone ALL the time hhahaha.. not ALL OF THE SUDDEN ... haha...
and among the Everyone that i thot abt, i thot of my pltnmates, my sec frens, my other frens... yeah... kinda miss them... haha... ncc, well.. i miss the cadets life.. specialist life was not all that coz i had very limited things to do...haha... just remembered something..
this morning while i was eating prata with my family, this verse frm a song just came to me:
No more CLTs!
No more Shiong PT!
haha... yeah.. onli these two lines tho.. weird huh? haha... but i kinda miss pt.. kena pump also another thing... yeah.. i feel bad coz i never go part outing... :( ... oh wells, hope there'll be a next time! haha...
and yar, my "FAV pics Part II" will be up soon! hahah! ;]
Sunday, February 10, 2008
3:59 PM
sighh.. im wasting my life now.. so far ive done nothing but getting the cheerleading moves.. haha! been watching Bleach rock musical: No clouds in the blue sky! damn cool yo!! byakuya looks exactly like byakuya! and ichigo is hottt! haha.. the ichigo looks a bit malay tho.. like his jaw or teeth i dunno, like a malay..*shrugs*.. loves his voice! hahaa sexayy.. hahaa..some renji so funnayy! hehee..aiya..if onli got Grimmjow Jaggerjack! ill just faint! hahaa Grimmjow damn hot waddd... hahaa
ok ok...anw im very annoyed coz i got a lot of nice and funny vids but i just cant upload them coz theyre too big! shesh! so anw im just gonna post here my fav pics so far... haha.. either becoz of its candidness or i really love the angle, lighting blah blah. haha...
nice rite??, this was so candid, lighting loves!, kahsing can be real photogenic mann

i told him to pose one! ;] , this was no photoshop mann, anglee ;]
i love this pic coz it like shows movement! , anglee, this was Candid! ;]
err, clouds + sunshine= beauty, ball incoming!!
gad show off her crescent socks!, ceh bahh, ok dont ask me why i made that face.. haha
ok its actually damn tiring and annoying to put up pics coz the internet always die on me... soooo, this is my post on "Fav pics Part I!!!".. haha... ok thats all for now! ;]
Saturday, February 09, 2008
7:25 PM
this is dedicated to my granpa ...
todae my family and i visited my very sick grandpa... he looked so scary.. extremely thin, seriously skin and bones...he seemed so breathless... i had no idea wad to do, really... i, from a long time ago, cannot understand anything that he says.. he speaks malay.. but the way he says it and all, well..i cant catch nor understand them... but there was a very clear thing that he said...
it was the
no, he has not passed away yet but yea.. my parents kept encouraging him to
zikir...my mom was crying.. i wasnt.. but in my mind i kept thinking abt this... well, when i was much younger (i cant even rmbr i made the promise), i promised my granpa ill look after him.. until now i haven really looked after him... i was/am his a-chong... why "a-chong" you ask? funny really... as a toddler i couldnt pronounce some words...
air kosong (plain water) became
a-chong and thus the nickname..
its funny.. but its also sad.... coz my granpa can remember me and my sisters onli as young children... we used to visit him Very often when we were young, almost every week, but we grew up and visited him less.... sorry
atok...now, i just pray that he can leave peacefully and go to heaven , insyaallah...
well, now... wad to do? ive got three free daes... ok let me list down the things i need or want to do!
-malay hmk
-practice doing gp paragraphs/essay
-wash shoes!(impt!)
-make dance steps for last 40 secs of hey mama (bleahh)
-watch BIO:AON over and over to get the cheerleading steps right (to show off to how sun! haha)
-make my own shabooya! hahaaa
-upload vivo pics (so late! sry!)
i yhink that shld be it! hahaa... yea some are lame but i have to waste quite a lot of time you know...unless i shld be doing research or something... ok maybe i shld..haha..and ya... the vivo pis! need to pload vids too! haha...
ok thats all for now! ;]
Thursday, February 07, 2008
10:12 PM
yeah...im sorry i made everyone so worried by not calling and all... yes it was selfish of me.. im very sorry..
ok yeah... let me talk abt ytd... from the start...
i was extremely down.. i can say "extremely" coz it really was the extreme.. i was down for no real solid or understandable reason... thats why i find it extreme.. played bball after watching some guys playing (damn rough) but still felt down.....
was suddenly alone coz arthur and sharon left for canteen... then mira and how sun came and left... they tried to cheer me up (i think) but i think i passed to them my emo-ness... same thing with mel...got a call frm idiot and just talked lor... felt a lot better after that and i reminded myself to push away that emo-ness and instead accept hyper-ness.. haha crapp... but yeah, after that play bball again with arthur... then for malay lesson i just hung out talking to amirah... one nicepart was when we bothletgo of our hair at the fitness corner there and slept.... ok not really haha.. then we both sang and sang.. she keep singing off tune! hahaa..
then family meeting well... ok lor.. my leroy ( i think) kept shouting and made us really down... but mass dance was fun! howie was my partner....
yeah... at nite was when it began...i realised part of the reason why i was down was coz i kept missing chances to go out with my frens just to hang out... it was damn selfish of me to just go but i know i wld regret it if i didnt go... it was fun too! CARS! "wait, let me think!" hahaa,... "becoz i squash bananas!" hahaaa.. yeah..i can imagine... ill be in a worst mood than that morn if i didnt go... haha...
so anw todae was bleahhhhh except for the mass dance and leaders dance! hahaa.. danced with hu? Jackie! coz how sun go awayyyy.... then dance dance!.... then after that bring table then i waited for gad and syira... they almost left me la.. they owe me bubble tea.. hahaa.. then in the end didnt go crescent... so i went home, walked sooooo slowly, slept all the way to 630 pm.....
man.. fours daes of no sch is gonna be torturous....
oh ya... while waiting for gad.... it was so cold...
just so cold...
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
12:25 PM
yesterdae was hell of a dae seyyy... not sure if i mean it in a gd way..
so anw...went to sch by 8... was down a bit ah.. like i was really tired and hungry... then thanks family mates... got some ask me if i alright... hazlin la... she a bit afraid i think coz i not in my usual crazy mode... haha.. then juanita, shaoyan (sp?) and yao an massage my back... for once seyy, got pple strong enuf doing my back.. coz usually too soft la.. haha..
then actually got fever la, but i sweated it out after the games all that.. haha.. shaoyan's way of checking my temp very funny! she put her own forehead on mine! hahaa...
wet games was ok... yesterdae was f2's turn to be high! hahaaa... i love the new remix of cheers that f2 made! haha..
then no scdc.. sadd... need to practice ma... then f2 we all started our family dance practice while we're still wet! haha.. all the water drip drip... coz later if change then sweat again ma.. wahh.. in the end jackie and me continued making the dance till we brain dead... i was so hungry after that.... then jackie got worried for everyones stomach so we had a break... from 220 tp 3 plus to get food.. ta pao or just eat there... the guys just stayed there... mark and huixing so tired they just slept... then me and some pple went macs and the food court there... then when i got inside the macs ah, i go in like so cool like that! hahaa..
then went back.. i got a lot closer to shakina and hazlin, it was pretty easy to talk to them... then went back, ate my SPICY hot nasi goreng kampung.. haha... yaoan, jialiang, jackie all ate some too... juanita, hazlin also wanted to try it... haha... then i didnt realise it but i actually Fed jackie... hahaa so funny... then go into lt2 to talk abt imp stuff, then kena chased out.. hahaa... then danced danced again...
oh ya! gimme one Jackie clap!
(clap!) uh uh uh, gongxi gong xi gongxi ni ah!
haha.. made a lot of other claps la! but jackie coz he was wearing red underwear! hahaaa... i got a clap too! francis made one la..
gimme one hidayah clap!
(clap!) im a girlish girlish girl!
hahaaa.. btw francis is my sister and im his brother! hahaa...
yeah.. in the end i didnt realise it, but we all spent like 12 hrs in sch on a sat lei.. like as if its a nomal sch dae.. yeah .. went home with yao an after that..
im feeling very guilty that i didnt go for our part outing la... but really, i need todae to recuperate hehee...
and ya, lastly, my previous post is not my usual me.. thats my extremely till i cant think too much details me.. haha... thats y i blog abt sat onli todae... less tired... ;]
ok then... laterr
Sunday, February 03, 2008
10:24 PM
i am tired.
i am very tired.
but im still here...
whole body aching... stretch but not much diff
ok todae...
almost pon lit, but still learnt quite a bit..
gp test, crapped thru,
lit again
shld have pon that coz right after it rained and all the way till 330 cannot
(ok mom just got in and scold me..
must rest..)
play bball... damn sad sia...
but there was a funny scene today..
me- sits down drinking hl milk and listening to ipod
aaron- walks to his seat (oppo me)
me- takes out one earpiece to show that im giving him attention
aaron- said "why do girls look so hot when they're wet?"
me- choke, spluttered, eyes widen and went "wad??"
then boredom coz everyone left
then family 2... ok la.. a bit boring..
had the dance on stage
screwed up a bit but still in ok mood
help carry stuff
go talk to F2...
then made up a dance committee (with hopes that others wld contribute more instead of just me and jackie)
in the end also onli we two make dance
but they can learn first then teach others like dat i guess
took some time just to decide song and best part:
bonding among the small grp of us
its was nothing big but it felt significant to me..
F2! we can do it!
then now dancing to hey mama..
a lot harder than the other song but alright ah...
then shabooya! haha...
ok im very tired...
im gonna sleep liaoz... nitez!
Friday, February 01, 2008