4:25 AM
wow.. how many lightyears ago did i blog? two weeks? retarded.. i apologise to my friends who have reminded me of the thick layer of dust i have here.. sighh.. life's been busy and im really afraid to blog or ill just not get to spend time on my hmks and such... well, its 425 am now and im doing my lit term assignment.. not really doing it la.. its not very.. well, easily understandable.. hahah..
anyway, for everybody that has come up to me and told me "i voted for you!", i really thank ya'll... i may look as tho it doesnt matter.. like i just thank yall then smile.. but really, i truely appreciate it.. esp for those that i don't even know you and you can just come up to me and say it.. as in, i dunno la.. it just gives me the push that i need to continue.. to continue to strive and not give up... for those that have been encouraging me too.. aubrey, mel, mira, soleha, fatin, sharon, sherwin.. many others.... yall are my strengths.. christian, i know you dunno my blog.. but you too have been my source of strength.. dont stress ah.. coz i get stress.. coz each time i see you, ill lose any stress then you stress then come back.. ok weird haha...
anyway, malay dance performance was.... ermmm.. haha...ok bad things happened la.. and the bad things happened DURING the dance.. haha.. as in.. not funny la.. i was pretty pissed then.. but its still funny la.. ok so we went to the Kolam Ayer CC.. timings fer the opening was pretty screwed but it turned out okayy after that.. then we got ready in our costumes.. a bit the panicky tho it was still okayy timing.. i was the blusher! as in i put on pple blush.. and eyeliner.. and lipstick.. haha..then wahh.. we were all so PINK! HOT PINK EH! my lipstick was also hot pink la.. but i thot it was nice.. haha.. oh yeahh.. this quote "my s (corset size) is universal. everyone loves my s" haha.. shakina said one.. haha.. well, my corset was perfect actl..but then the zipped opened a bit and Siti (og8!) help me zip.. she zip so hard that it broke! haha.. put on safety pins and hell, it held out for a LONG time.. but thennnnnn.. i tell later..
the nasi lemak was damn hot la! had a good time laughing at each other abt it.. and i overestimated myself.. i already cannot tahan that spicy but still soldiered on! ended up panting and all.. hahaha... wahh. that day i eat a lot one eh.. but still felt that i can eat more! then we went there.. the stage was DAMN small plz! almost as small as the room in the CC.. which is DAMN small.. it cldnt accomodate 22 (i think) of us well at all.. then.. well.. dance time.. before that was like woohoo.. so excited.. then you know wad happened??? STUPID AVAC! play the song two beats into the song.. so we were stuck there..then we cldnt do the first part of the dance properly that we LOVE! stupid la.. avac made many mistakes after that too.. then after that.. haha.. the first part of the song and my corset burst! cld be coz i eat too much but like wadehell right??? then made some mistakes at the starting part.. but kept my smile (must smile with teeth one.. im trained for this since pri sch! haha) and dance as much as i can.. it didnt fall down or anything la.. but i cld feel it get loose ehh... but the the "ha! ha!ha!haaaa.." part ah.. esp the secon time we did that, i did it the best as i can.. haha.. as in i also shout.. must buat bising maa.. hhaahaha..
then after the dacnce we did a smaaaalll yippaanderneh! haha.. cool la.. met riyandi! haha he got fatter... then me and marliana rushed to the toilet to pin up my corset.. then we were like hurrying la.. coz i was in the opening dance! which is not exactly opening.. its opening coz it welcomes the mp.. who came only at 9? yeahh... anywya the atrika dance company dance was nice mann.. the dance moves not copyrighted right? coz i wanna use! haaha..
gg home with soleha was nice too.. talked talk talk.. haha..
eh best ahh.. my sat gone right? i got home at 1215 am.. haha best.. then right, the next day i woke up at 10am.. tried doing some econs project.. ended up just talking to christian on the phone.. he was at the market la the idiot.. cant rmbr wad the impt thing we were taking abt.. ohhh.. its only the small part.. yeahh.. then i had to clean the red onions..peel the skin wadeva... good thing never tear.. bleahh.. hhaah.. the 230 left for west coast macs (which i initally thot was east coast and thats why i got pissed) got there so late.. haha.. thanks mel, haha..fun talking to you! haha.. then did some econs.. sorry.. coz i wasnt very helpful.. then christian came and we did our cards... he look like apek! the we went home.. nice of his dad to send me home.. haha..
then wahh.. next few days were tiring.. i cant rmbr wad has been happening these few days.. oh yeah.. banni stuff aso got now.. in charge of 400m and 4x400m.. haha.. anyway wednesday was funny.. we were timing the pple all that.. then wah.. damn hot that day.. oh yeah.. then we were at the pe porch trying to figure out who to put in wad.. the jannah was like "hidayah.. can la.. we just put your name.. anyway 1.5 is on monday then u can just get it over and done with! i need to put pple la.." then i was.. "i not runner you noe!.. i short d only!" then aftermuch persuasion "fine la.. but not confirmed" then wahhhh taht retard put my name in 1500m, 3000m and 800m.. crazy la! ahaha.. i almost never go fer the TA coz i thot i shld be at the pe porch.. grabbed a few minutes and it was over... can ahh.. hhhahaa...
oh yes and ytd!!!! as in thursday la... i played basketball!! after wad.. two months? hhaha.. ok maybe not that long... but cld be that long ehh.. air ball! hahah.. but got it back after some time.. sprained a finger on my left hand.. but its worth it! the 25 minutes spent with aubrey, adeline, sally, paperheart and their friend whose name eludes me was well worth it! hhaha... i shld play bball more often..
anyway i made a few cheers! as in edited the yippa andeneh to a malay one! it was abt food ah.. coz that day in malay class i was so damn hungry it just came.. and i most probably irritated adeline so much.. that seh ended up belanja-ing me kfc! ill pay you back! er.. next week! hha...and yeah,.. girl, happy birthday ;]
and guess who i met on the way home ytd? Rashid! was really pleased to meet him coz we talked a lot la.. sorry soleha fer pangseh-ing you like that.. heheeee.. then talk talk talk.. wahh.. nice mann.. i thot he wld be the type that will talk a lot one ehh.. ahhah... Y-Men must meet up! haha
mann.. i was really envious of my sis..she has the time to play with my cat.. sighh
okla.. ive talked a lot.. ill try to blog more often.. two weeks is very long huh? haha.. anyway now 513am already.. almost 45 minutes of my life gone.. but not wasted! haha..45 minutes shld be used to make one lit paper rite? haha.. irony of it all.. okla... i better do my lit.. oh mann.. got blackout.. damn..back..shesh.. good thing no meeting this morn.. means i can have more time to do this.. and finally, after two weeks, go out of my hse at 7 instead of 615! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! hahahaha.. ;]
Friday, April 18, 2008
6:31 AM
wow.. i cant believe i totally wasted my sat.. like i expected myself to wake up late at nite but woahh.. frm 645pm to 645am the next dae sia... well, lets take it as me catching up on my sleep.. really havent been sleeping much lei.. but damn i feel bad..
anyway ytd dance was truely dissapponting.. i shld have gone fer the yog thing at vjc and gone there.. ill still be on time i tell u! coz they reached sch back at 12pm and we started the briefing onli at 1330.. damn stupid coz we were there by 1030.. the dance that started was also onli fer the opening and starting dancers, which luckily i got in or i wld have to wait and rot till 3pm.. opening dance damn easy also haha.. then cikgu's husband sent me, nadiah and sheeka home first, coz we asked to go off early and got kitkat! was so hungry that i just ate it there and then. nadiah also caved in and ate too! oh yeah! before the waiting waiting crap, there were some nice stuff that happened! hahaa.. azureen and me la! haha.. shld see the video clip fer the sng Apologize that we made.. Azureen damn violent la! then we all took pics where we blend in the backgrnd coz it was a blue shutter that was the same blue as our banni shirt! and we looked like dikir darat eh!! haha...


emo la gitu..(lapar punyer pasal kot..)

Tarian-ers! hahah
sighh.. im lovin life now.. of course there are some downs.. but the support im receiving frm my frens is more than enough to make up fer it.. so im overall happy! and yeah! ive been pretty lucky this week! mon- go kfc in the afternoon then when i was abt to run back to sch, Adeline called and said cikgu not in! haha.. then wed- i havent done my pw, econs and malay hmk and they were like frm 9 to 1pm side by side..then i was sick so i slept at the sickbay, seriously expected to wake up in an hr but wahhh.. sherwin woke me up onli at one! hahaa then thurs- i honestly fergot my content notes and was gg arnd before 8 lookng fer smbody who cld help mee but cldnt.. in the end, after MUCH worry, mr lim didnt come fer class.. lucky!
but sherwin not so lucky.. thurs and fri she got cat shit on her shoe!! haha.. but had fun cleaning it! we forgot the basic thing! USE SOAP LA! hahahaah.. thankyou Thaddeus fer ur deo, we used quite a lot of it! hhah.. and thanks HL fer ur perfume too! hahah.. oh yeah.. i think my class a bit retarded eh.. so many brought stickers! ive got four on the back of my phone now! haha..
actl i still have a lot of stuff to say coz i dun get to post very often.. busy ah.. and if i start blogging ill waste the rest of my time surfing the net rather than doing my work.. but its ok.. its alr quite big a post! but shall end it off with two things
im stuck with this song..i think its freaky plus nice, the words very lit liddat..
who shot that arrow in ur throat?
who missed the crimson apple?
it hung heavy on the tree above ur head
this chaos this calamity
this garden once was perfect,
give ur immortality to me
ill set u up against the stars
We lied, we can't go on
This is the time and this is the place to be alive
Who shot that arrow in your throat?
Who missed the crimson apple?
And there is discord in the garden tonight
The sea is wine red
This is the death of beauty
The doves have died
The lovers have lied
I cut the arrow from your neck
Stretched you beneath the tree
Among the roots and baby's breath
I covered us with silver leaves
We lied, we can't go on
This is the time and this is the place to be alive
repeates chorus..
who's gloria?
Sunday, April 06, 2008