8:17 PM
whooo! had fun todayy! hehe. had a run which i walked all the way. coz i was with janice maaa. tmw i run la ha. anyway jan said walking burns off more calories anyways. haha. then after that malay regimen tgt! actually howsun shldnt count but nvm. we were all wearing bikila too! triple telepathy la hahah. then wwoottss! i got presents frm pple frm yunnan! i dunno who got me the bag la but THANK YOU SO MUCHIEEEEE!! HAHAH! really love it! same with alyssa's hp pouch lei ahha! LOOKIE!

and the navy blue rose there was frm SYIRA!!! THANK YOUUUU! haha. aiya.. navy blue, in the dark it looks black la haaa.. haha!
and yeah, the petals were coming off. pulled it apart a bit to make it look bigger but made it worse i think. and i cant capture the pic well. nvm ah!
anyway this was pretty random but i just had to post it. in spore there arent a lot of places where its serene and like yeah.. but it can be found if u noe where to look fer it. this was frm the corporation rd the corporation pri there. very nice clear field. can see the sky and everything. its always gd to take a walk. mann. i seriously hope that they dont build a lot of stuff there. not even a park. its nice and calming as it is. hai...
man.. nice nice dayy ;]
Monday, November 24, 2008
3:28 PM
CREZ MUSICAL EVENING was pretty dissappointingi really hate trying to look fer clothes mann. and then to be gg "waaaddd" as i look at how informal the others were wearing afterr that. i dun mind the angklung. i think my sis looked pro compared to the rest. but hell! dont hold FIVE ANGKLUNGS can??? like thats so suicidal. choir was. erm. nostalgic? coz they sang one same song before as two yrs ago. and they wore the same damn costume! as in.. come onnnn! wah piang im bitching so much. haha. but man.. really la. but i like the conductors dress! nice! then dance. erm. you call that hiphop??? wow. under which dictionary's defination sia? haha. my sis and i had a lot of laughs. haha. thruout the whole thing la. haha. this time round, the theme was Mama Mia. better than HSM i must say. and yeah. who chose the MCs? goshh. and yeah of course the 50th Annivesary was a lot grander and formal. Esplanade ma..haha. glad they didnt do the Gimme a C! wadeva tradition there. in sch hall can la but there cannot eh? but they did the hiphiphoorayAH! that one when it ended and everyone was leaving. piercing sia.meeting that stick thin idiot was fun too! bony sia she. after that go that prata place. wah. i so malu siaaaaaaaaaa. my cousin had to lend me coins to go home. wahhhh. maluuu.wah. how nostalgic. i havent gone back fer a long time. guess im really different than how i was before. how i miss the sound of a solid bang. haha. how i miss the rifles' smell. haha! how i miss the beret. how i miss cheering. i miss pt! hahah! oh boy.. endurance and determination delta!when the cold wind blowwwwwwwhen the cold wind blowwwwww
Sunday, November 23, 2008
3:13 PM
mann.. long time nvr blog... lotsa stuff happened and ive almost forgotten. haha. lets see
we had the workshop! pretty interesting pple ive met! got their numbers and pics! haha. cool cool. wish i had a turn on the flying fox and abseiling tho. haha. i was like the coordinator/ runner/ fac! haha. fun funn
then wad ah?
wah piang eh! wait fer 1.5hrs fer hist then say next day! wahlau! grrr
oh yeah! sent them off! popeyes so ex! grr. but in the end, even tho eat at the food court, i still nvr cab home. Cheat is so fun! i wanna play some more! haha! then Werewolves was interesting too! Chingkit must be the best narrator ever la ha! And Dom showed me his cute face before gg!!! i noe that u noe that ure cute la dom! dun act shy ah! hahahaha! cldnt help but to go "KYAAAaaaa!!" hahaha! then trying to hear wad they were saying thru the glass was funny too! and yeah, gentlemen are rare in Spore man.. but Jia Cheng is one! minus his vulgarities of course. haha! wah played Werewolves until we were so sian ah... wah the ride home. everybody just died la. dun care other passengers. hope Yunnan was gd ;]
then hmm.
had Code Geass marathon! 2 seasons of arnd 24-25 eps in TWO DAYS! haha! wah. cldnt move on to Gundam 00 after that.
oh yeah! then had dance! wah dance dance dance. very fun eh! bonding time after that was great! that day we spent 2 hrs after dance just crapping man! Kak Mas had A LOT of exeprience seyyy. haha! then they left, and i talked to Shazni fer the first time. like just talk talk. weird, enlightening and... erm.. fun? talk? hahahah. cool. then the next dance session we went Teh TArik fer lunch. ghost stories and all. quite freaky man, wad happened to kak mas's cousin. haha she belanja us drinks and i was like "dont! here ex one!" haha.
i think i screwed both my revision papers tho i think i did okayy fer econs.. haiya dun care. haha
dammit. gotta lose weight. dun wannnnnnnnnnnnnn
and yeah to Valeons:
Saturday, November 22, 2008